• Angelos-Frentzos Skirt with pleat
  • Angelos-Frentzos Skirt with pleat
Angelos-Frentzos Skirt with pleat
  • Angelos-Frentzos Skirt with pleat
  • Angelos-Frentzos Skirt with pleat


Skirt with pleat   |   Season: Spring Summer

USD 236.00
COD: 09-E-0-AD-C306-0625-8042


The size of this item is write on the label.

Made in Italy

Straight skirt to the knees, fastener by zipper and hook on the front with pleat under, threadpockets front and backwith button, waistband with loops

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Against my killer - Alberto Incanuti - Angelos-Frentzos - Delphine Wilson - Domingo Rodriguez - Giulio Bondi - JAMES 0706 - Jan & Carlos - Lumen et umbra - Marc Point - MarcandcraM - Nicolas & Mark - Project-Frentzos - Rick Owens - T-skin - Vic-Torian - Ysack